Review: Username: Evie (Joe Sugg)

20160915_125625Title: Username: Evie

Author: Joe Sugg

Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton

Release: Out now!

Genre: Graphic novel, sci-fi

Which animal is similar to this book? This book is a graphic novel, so obviously there are a lot of illustrations and they are beautiful. The artwork is extraordinary, so I would compare it to a saluki, which is a breed of dog known to be stunning (and they know it too!).They’re also very intelligent, as is this book since it’s so cleverly done and the dialogue is also very witty and funny. Salukis are also very well-known to be hilarious with a lot of what they do!

The blurb says: Like anyone who feels they don’t fit in, Evie dreams of a place of safety. When times are tough, all she wants is a chance to escape from reality and be herself. But unknown to Evie her beloved Father has been working tirelessly to create a virtual idyll just for her, and life as she knows it is about to be altered forever. Could this be the perfect world Evie has longed for? Or does the hardest journey still lie ahead…

I actually can’t say I ever read graphic novels, just because I don’t ever feel drawn to them, but I’m a Joe Sugg fan so, of course, I bought it, not knowing what to expect. It turns out it’s amazing and I loved it a lot more than I thought I would. Having been bullied as a kid, I can relate to that feeling of wanting somewhere to go to be alone and to feel safe, so the plot really touched me in that sense.

The story follows Evie, a young outcast girl who ends up in a safe world her dad created for her to give her somewhere to escape to. When the world has a negative influence, everything about it changes and suddenly it’s more dangerous than safe and Evie has to find a way out, as well as finding herself in the process. It’s lovely and full of action and I love that it isn’t blatantly aimed towards a certain gender as a lot of graphic novels can be (action directed at boys and magic/witches aimed at girls). Although it is packed full of action, it’s told from a girl’s point of view and for that reason, I think anyone20160804_163103 would enjoy this!

I love that it’s also quite a short read since there aren’t a huge amount of words, but the illustrations are so detailed that you could spend a while looking at them!

I would recommend this to anyone and I can’t wait for the release of Username: Regenerated which comes out this Thursday (22.9.16)! I can’t find any problems with this book, so it gets 10 out of 10 paw prints!