Lush Products Review

I love Lush and I have done for a very long time and I’ve recently been ordering quite a lot so it’s possible it’s become a bit of an addiction… I thought I’d write reviews for a few of them sincfile_002-1e I feel like a lot of the time, people can be buying them essentially blind. Also I like Lush a lot and want to share pretty pictures of them…
So the first one is the Cinnamon Reusable Bubble Wand which smells so beautiful I can’t even describe it. It’s very strongly cinnamon and I’ll probably get two baths out of with a good amount of bubbles. The stick is a cinnamon stick and there are little pieces of sage embedded in it. It’s part of the Christmas collection and is obviously very festive and I would personally recommend it to anyone wanting a fun bath with a festive, strong scent.

The second product is the Nevermind The Ballistics bath bomb which is part bath bomb and part bath oil I think (the pink half is soft and waxy). It made my bath so soft and it smelled amazing. It has a sort of sweet/fruity scent and turned the bath a beautiful orange colour once it had fully dissolved.

The last product is the Damaged Hot Oil Hair Treatment which you melt in boilingfile_008 water then put onto your hair for a while and then you wash it off. My hair is very damaged so it seemed like a good idea and it did help my hair! My hair felt super soft after I’d washed it off and the ends of my hair especially felt a lot better. The softness didn’t last a very long time for me, but I think if your hair wasn’t as damaged as mine is, you’d be fine and it’d work wonders on your hair. It didn’t smell particularly amazing but it didn’t smell horrible either; it’s purpose really was just to fix hair.

2 thoughts on “Lush Products Review

  1. Sarah says:

    I used to love Lush – the lack of bath bombs is one of the things I miss most about only having a shower in my current flat! I’ve also been quite amused recently by everything in the news about the labelling on their shower gels.

    I’ve not been in in a while and hadn’t realised they did the hot oil treatment for hair, I’ll have to give it a go.


    • myfurrybookshelf says:

      Ooh sorry for not replying! Yes the hot oil treatments are really good and don’t take a whole lot of effort so that’s always good! I saw someone talking online earlier about Lush making the equivalent of bath bombs for showers and they just sit at the bottom of the shower and release the fragrance, but I don’t know whether this is just in America (saw it on a US blog) because I’ve never seen them?? But it might be something you could look into if you’d be interested in them!

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